They have to stop becoming experts on giving a positive spin to economic warnings and start analyzing the data at hand. 这些高管们必须做的就是,不再充当积极发布经济预警的专家,而是开始着手分析手头的数据。
Measured by practical spin coating and experiment, the changing rule reflected by the theoretical results is coincide well with the measuring data. 经实际涂胶测定,该模型反映的变化规律与实际是相符的。
Apriori we do not know the exact distance, spin frequency, and orbital parameters of the radio pulsar that might be hidden in a data set. 因为我们不知道可能隐藏在数据集中的脉冲星的确切距离、自旋频率和轨道参数。
By establishing mathematical models, the attitude drift of the uncontrolled spin satellite is numerically simulated, and the simulated results are compared with the telemetry data. 建立数学模型,对无控条件下自旋卫星的姿态漂移情况进行数学仿真分析,并与实测结果进行比对。
The formation period ( Yanshan Age) was determined by analyzing AE ( acoustic emission), ESR ( electron spin resonance dating) and seismic data. 采用岩石声发射实验和ESR测年技术分析,结合地震资料解释确定了烃源断层的形成时期主要为燕山期。
Its main purpose is to create devices based on the spin of electrons. Compared with traditional semi-conductor devices, they are particularly attractive for their better stability, higher speed in data processing, lower power exhaust, higher integration density and so on. 其主要目的是构造基于电子自旋的装置,这些装置与传统的半导体器件相比,具有稳定性好,数据处理速度更快,降低功率损耗以及集成密度好等优点。
Two-dimensional frequency-domain analysis of nuclear spin relaxation data for water containing crude oil 含水原油核磁自旋弛豫数据的二维频域分析
The calculations show that the Fe-Fe distances obtained from high spin state ( HS) are deviated from the experimental values significantly, whereas the Fe-Fe distances obtained by BS method are in good agreement with crystal structure data. 计算结果表明:采用高自旋态(HS)计算的FeFe间距与实验值有较大偏差,而由BS方法所计算的FeFe间距与晶体结构测定数据相吻合。
The Heisenberg spin chain is a conclusive system to be the data bus for a quantum circuit. It can help to accomplish the quantum information transfer availably for its pre-engineering, high fidelity, and the realization of quantum communication over the finite sites. 海森堡自旋链是可以作为量子回路的数据线的一种可靠体系,它具有很好预制备特性,较高的信息传递保真特性,实验上可以实现有限长度的自旋格点的量子传递。
Due to the promising future of using the freedom of spin in data storage and calculation, this area draws intensive attention and investment. 这一领域的主要推动力来自于人们希望能利用电子的自旋自由度来承载信息和进行计算。
In recent 20 years, the experimental precision has been developed a lot, which can give us more information about nucleon spin, such as data about polarized structure function. 20多年来,实验精度已有大大的提高,这给了我们许多对于核子自旋的新的认识。
Based on the studies, the calculated spin Hamiltonian parameters for all these Rh2+ centers show good agreement with the experimental data, and the information about the impurity local structures are also obtained for various systems. 利用该微扰公式所得到的上述杂质中心自旋哈密顿参量理论值与实验符合很好,并获得了它们的局部结构信息。